Shannah Kennedy

High Performance Expert, Author and Strategic Life Coach

True empowerment begins with crafting your personal roadmap to success in both life and leadership.
Shannah Kennedy

About me

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Shannah Kennedy is a seasoned high-performance master planner and a leading strategic life coach in Australia. With two decades of experience, she has successfully transformed the lives, careers, and mental well being of her clients. Shannah specializes in executive strategy, transition, values, vision, overcoming burnout, and comprehensive life planning.

Her achievements are extensive and include being the author of two global best sellers: ’The Life Plan’ and ’Plan B’, alongside 6 other books. Her latest release ‘Elevate – Unlock Your Potential’ is already on the top 10 business list.

Shannah's journey is even more remarkable considering her early career in male-dominated industries. In the 1990s, she navigated the challenging landscape of stockbroking before venturing into sport management. From there she was the sponsorship manager for a brand and looked after the contracts for all athlete endorsements. In the late 1990s, Shannah became one of Melbourne's first qualified life coach, focusing on coaching high-performance athletes into retirement and helping them create comprehensive life plans.

What sets Shannah apart is not just her professional success but her personal journey. Despite facing chronic fatigue syndrome and depression, Shannah is dedicated to high performance, both personally and professionally. She embodies resilience, demonstrating her commitment to living her best and most energetic life based on her values and authenticity.


  • Discovering self awareness, understanding oneself and fostering a deeper connection with personal values
  • Developing effective strategies for personal and professional management
  • Cultivating the skills and mindset necessary for effective leadership of oneself
  • The importance of aligning personal values with professional goals
  • Building and maintaining confidence in the face of challenges
  • Harnessing the transformative benefits of intentional breathing for stress management and mental well being
  • Establishing and maintaining habits that contribute to sustained high performance
  • Strategies for preventing burnout in the fast-paced modern world
  • Embracing joy and fulfilment in daily living

If you’re interested in finding out more about how to master self leadership and align your values to your vision, book Shannah now to inspire individuals and organisations alike with ways to embrace sustainable high performance.

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